Acne: Remedies for more beautiful skin - Part I -

It is true! Acne is an adolescence's scourge, but it can follow us until to the middle age and over. " The women can have pimple blooms to 25-35 years old and even after.
" Acne" is a generic term to idicate a series of symptoms as pimples, sebaceous cystis and blackheads, support Peter E. Pochi, professor o dermathology at University of Boston." It is the syndrom where the skin pores are clogged, causing inflamed lesions and not inflamed
But what's the cause of inflamed pores?
It's not chocolate to causing Acne
whose the fault is it?
To the ereditariety in most of the cases.
The acne is a genetic problem which tend to be repetead in some families
It's an ereditariety defect, that interest pores.
If both of your parents had the acne, in your family 3 siblings on 4 will have the acne . But if your sister hasn't any pimple and your face it looks like " battle field ",
be careful: There are other factors can worst the acne explosion
  • Sunlight exposions
  • season changes
  • cerain types of climatic coditions
  • some type of make up products
  • type of birth control pills

Here are some anti- pimples tips ( by MD J.E. Fulton)

Change your Make-up products. In the adult women the main triggering factor of the acne explosions is the make-up. The problem is " fat " make-up. The foundation pigments, lipsticks, cleaning face cream are not a problem, neither the water conteined in these products. It's just the oil. Usually oil is fatty acids derivative stronger than our skin.
If you are subjects to the acne use makeup products without fatty acids.

Read the labels. You should avoid products that contain lanolin, Isopropyl mirist, sodium laurylphosphate, laurateh-4 because their are too rich for the skin.

Remember to removem makeup. Remove your makeup accurately every night, use soft face cleanser twice a day and be sure to eliminate every trace from the skin. Six or Seven rinses should be enough.

Be careful with control birth pills.Some type of CBP ( control birth pills ) above all those "progestogen" can worst the acne. Speak with your doctor; it is possible to prescribe another type or system to control births.

Don't use hands. It's not recommended to squeeze pimples and little cyst. A pimple is an inflammation and squeezing you could irritate it causing an infection! There is nothing you can do to accelerate the healing. Usually a pimple lasts for 1-4weeks, but in the end it always goes away.
A whithe spot is a blocked pore, the ucleus is little than blackheadhs. If you squeeze it the walls of the pore can break and causing a pimple. The pimples infact form when the walls of white spot break.

Learn when to squeeze. Although most of the pimples are better when you don't touch them, there is a kind of pimples to give a little crush! Sometimes the pimple has got a central head of yellow pus. If you squeeze it gentle, usually the inner nucleus goes out with no problems. Once pus is out, the pimples heals faster.

War on Blackheads. You can free blackheadhs also to squeeze them. The blackheads is a very blocked pore. The materials inside the pore is solidified, and has an enlarged opening. He black part of blackheadh is not “dirty”. Dermathologist don't know exactly what is, but whatever does not become a pimple!

Use medicine to defeat acne. You can reject an acne attack with no-recipe counter product in pharmacy. “ Choose products that contain benzoyl peroxide” Dr Faulton suggest. “ Benzoyl enters the peroxyde in pore and he oxygen kills the bacteria responsible of acne. They are two products in only one. Furthermore benzoyl elimiates fatty acids cells that irritate the pores”. The anti-acne products are available in different formulations, as an aqueous gel, that will probably irritate the skin less. The tips is use it for one hour in the evening and ther rinse it very accurately at the moment to go to bed, expecially in the areas of the neck and the eye contour.

Don't be fooled by the percentages. The anti-acne medicines contain concentrations of bezoyl peroxide that ranging from 2,5% to 10%. But these percentages have little to do with effectivness of the product. “ From many tests result that products with less active ingredient are effective as the ones that contain them most” T.Gossel said, professor of pharmacology and toxicology atOhio Northern University. “ 5% works like 10%”

Treat dry skin with great care. Dry skin can be sensitive to benzoyl, so doctor Gossel recommend to strart with a low concentration products and then increase gradually. “ probably the skin, when you will spread the products, it will become red, but this is normal reaction”.

Stay away from the Sun. The anti-acne products can cause negative reaction to the sun. “ Minimize the exposion to the sun, to infrared rays and to the solar lamps until you know how to react” doctor Gossel warn and advices to try the products on a small part of the skin to testig the sun sensitivity.

Clean the skin well. “Clean well and deeply your skin every time you apply a anti-acne bank-medication” Doctor Gossel suggest. A clean face is however healthier.

Use a treatment at a time. Don't mix treatment. If you are using an no-recipe anti-acne treatment buoght in pharmacy stop using it if your doctor prescribe you an anti-acne medicine. “ Benzoyl is a close relative of the retinoic acid and other derivative of Vitamine A contained in different products” doctor Gossel said. “ Do not use them together”.

Blocked the acne spread.
Apply the anti-acne products for a couple of inches around the interested areas, doctor Fulton said, to try to spot the acne spread. “For the truth the anti-acne doesn't heal the pimples you already have” doctor explain. “ It works above all as a prevention system”. The acne moves on face, from nose to ears. The area to be treated to that around the redess and inflammed skin. “ when you buy a anti-acne product, you find written to apply around the interested area, many people point out where they see pimples, but that is not the case.

To be contiued...
 In the main time enjoy your life!
Nurse Julia :)
The Doctors Book of Home Remedies; Prevention Magazine Health Books'; 1995


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