Nursing Considerations : Awakening !!!

Risultati immagini per assistenza infermieristica disegniThe Nurse is an intellectual professionist with university degree who is responsible for general nursing care.
It is an autonomous and independent health operator dedicated at the science of nursing.
The Science of Nursing has three forms: Practice, Research and Theory. Become expert in all of these fields it means become " Scientist " of Nursing.
The Nurse has an essential role about health management because is complete; Nurses know the Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, they study biology and every type of scientific topic - and not only - about Nursing and Care of patients suffering.

Clinical Nurse is close to the patient 24 hours per day, 7 days on 7 in inpatient status. In general on the territory in its broadest sense is concerned with saving lives and put in practice prevention tecniques, care, assessment, rehabilitation and more.
In addiction, reasearch and theory deals with discovering and studying the best evidence based practice ( EBP) , new healthcare tecniques and procedures, to give a more deeply meaning to the Assistance, Health and at Illness.
The Nurse is in contact with " Death " and take care of everyone also in this last period of life.
In other words more than others professional, a nurse keep inside the gift of " assistance ".
They look after you, encourage you, comfort you up to replace the person in satisfying his needs.
In my opinion one of the most  high level of empathy gestures.

Nurse lives without prejudice, accepting every difference and try to take care of " suffering " human being

Inside the nurse is placed the Hope to teach self-care.
In this way the patients of the future will be able to recognise their symptoms and treat many disease or little problems, avoiding to block A&E or just to avoid a lot of concerns.
In the future we could get to climb vertices of Self- realization , with  multidisciplinary equipè and
life coach as well.
Taking as a model the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and readapting it in the new millennium key.
We could arrive to cure all "wounds" ( mind - soul - body ) and realize the mission: live in health, to be happy, in abundance.

  • The most important thing for nurses is the Love for neighbor, for the knowledge and for Health in the most positive acception.
  • Teaching self-care is the aim: recognise signs that our body send us, it's already the first step toward self-knowledge
  • Implement wellness rituals to prevent onset of disease
I understood the idea of revolutionizing the shape and substance of the Hospitals that are actually obsolate and old style, people are scared to go to the hospital.
It feel the necessity of new concept of hospital where people get confident to heal and learn new strategy of self care.
The days of stay should be relaxing, care, to open air when possible, and learnig.
  • The most important thing : Never harm patients in the structures
  • Help patient to grow, to evolve and feel good with themselves
Note: The patient have to be " Subject " of care and not marely " Object " passive and defenseless.
Patient cooperates in every way about his health.
It's good remember that each individual must take responsibility for his health, he must love himself. Only then will be ready to receive Nursing help and optimize care until fully recovered.
To put this into practice, it takes:

        - will power to change our own condition
       - courage


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