Are you in Health ?

Are you in Health ?

All of us we live thinking about our health but what does it means to be in health?
WHO ( world health organization) says:
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
In my personal opinion a subjet in health is an individual in a state of physical mental and spiritual well-being. The human being is made up of three dimensions and to mantein a good health
nurses and people in general have to look after all of these aspects.
  • In the new millennium we feel the necessity to evolve,
    How can I take care of all my whole being?
We must understand not only our body is important, in consequence to avoid disease
MIND can influence all of your state of being : for example if you feel nervous for some reasons it's possible you will feel stomach ache, because mind and body influence each other so you need to relax yourself first, concentrate some minutes on your mind, understand the reason why and put in practice some technique to solve it.
Note: It's not safe in this occasion take a pain killer because it will cover the pain but it wont resolve the cause.
Important : recognize signs and symptom of mind suffering and don't ignore it!
You are the most important thing in your life, if you don't feel good, nothing around can help you better than yourself.
Listen your SOUL : the soul exists, is that part inside who guide us, is the most deeply part of human being and for this reason, “in the world of appearance”, someone even thinks it doesn't exists.
Soul is our vital dimension and is not caduceus, is probably immortal.
It is important to learn to distinguish it from mind and body if you want to cure disease and pain of the soul.
Example of soul disease : Pride, greed, sloth, wrath, lust , envy, gluttony
commonly know as a “seven deadly signs
Think carefully how much influence negatively your life (and your health).
  • What about the body?
Our BODY at the end is the material part, mechanical part and it's necessary take care with correct nutrition and exercise to improve the quality of life and your performances during the day.
The science nowadays has discovered that most of the common chronic diseases can be treated and prevent with nutrition.
Probably with industrial nutrition the human being as “animal” lost capacity to recognize what is required for its body.
The secret of body health, free from disease is the “nurture” ( and not simply “eat” ).
Many body diseases originate from maximum dimension of the gastric channel and from ingestion of “heterogeneous” food not convertible in blood and nourishment.
The industrial food is most of the time “ heterogeneous” and for this reason, potentially dangerous to have inside the stomach, this food is able to alter the animal economy and in the long run can weaken even the most robust constitutions.
Can develop pathological effects.
Heterogeneous substances are always harmful !
Physical exercise is essential in order to keep your body safe and strong.
- reduce the STRESS ( one of the first cause of disease and decrease QI )
- reduces level of glucose in the blood ( diabetes )
- improves Blood Pressure ( hypertension/ hypotension )     
- reduce risk of Stroke
- increase production of endorphins ( responsible of our happiness )
-improve skin condition
- sexual stamina
- increase creativity ext.

In conclusion I would like encourage everyone to think about themselves as a special creatures formed by three dimensions in which each one of them can affect the other positively or negatively.
What do you think about it?
Are you aware about your whole being?
Are you in balance with the three components?
Are you interested to take care about you ?
Together we can learn more about Holistic health-care and Self-care <3
For any request leave a comment and I will be happy to help us to improve our health condition


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