Allergies: 8 systems to relieve the symptoms

" Allergy " is what happens when the organism recognize a substance whose doesn't like. Nose and mouth start to drip off, the lungs burn and pant.
Allergies can change to infinity, like people. Most of them is divided in 3 basic categories: Contact allergies, from food and inhalation.
Inhalation allergies, that trigger as a reaction to the material suspended in the air we breathe, are the most common.
The main principal "air" responsible are dust, pollen, hair and dandruff of pets, molds.
"there is a little bit of everything in the home dust" said T. Platts-Mills, Primary doctor of the division of allergology and immunology at the University of Virginia. " Different people are allergic to different things, beatles's framments are very potent, but the most responsible are the mites."
Dust mite is a microscopic 'relative' of ticks and spiders. The problem is not the ' alive mite', but the fecal material that they leaves while walking on carpets and clothes, their favourite residence, and the died bodies of mites.
Others most common allergens ( substances that cause allergies) pollen  come from outside, dandruff falls from Puppy into a dead cell cloud, the mold grow where there is humidity and bring light, like moquettes or in cellar. No matter the type of allergen: you breath one and if you are allergic, start to sneezing.
Not all houses can boast of having all 'Four Big'  but in every house that it's not sealed hermetically there is at least one or two. What's to do? there is some possibility to escape from them!
Keep calm!
There is a lot that you can do to reduce the annoyances that allergy brings to your life. This advices, experienced and reccomended by doctors will usually return to the path of the good brathing and the tearless eyes.

Treating symptoms. The allergy treatments that your doctor can prescribe to you can be an important istrument to guarantee pleasent walking outside and not annoying , but not always this treatments are indispensable. Counter anthihistamines that you find in pharmacy, are good to treat running nose and red eyes.
If your allergy lasts more than 5 days go to the doctor for specific allergy test and thorough visit. 

Buy a dehumidifier. Keeping a clean home air will help you eliminate dust and residue of animals. Keep it also dry will help you to limit the mites problem related.
" mites don't live well when the humidity is under 45%" doctor Platts-Mills said. " In general, more dry is the room and better is".
If this is a problem for a child o for someone else, try to put a little dehumidifier close to the bed.

Clean Humidify area with natural fungicides.
Sodium bicarbonate or Tea tree oil are very strong against mold, use them to retake the surfaces of your bathroom until the problem is solved.
You can find a lot of recipes on web with these important ingredients. They are natural and effective, in this way we can resolve the problem and respect the nature!

No animal in the bedroom. Make sure at least one room, for example your bedroom,  is a safe Harbor, totally isolated from the rest of the house and absolutely forbidden to the animals ( :( unfortunately for allergic people who has got animal, is the best thing ).
" It's sufficient a little walking once a week to put in action an animal reaction" doctor Podell said.

Wear a filter mask. Use one everytime you make something could expose you to the allergen. Even a simple job like passing the vacuum cleaner can lift lot of dust. It will stay in the air of home for long time 
Work in a garden can expose you to large amount of pollen. A mask that cover nose and mouth can decrease the quantity of pollen direct to your lungs. There are low cost type, work very well.

Seal your bed. If you seal your bed and pillow with plastic, you will feel better!
Because you are isolating the bed mites from your face and body.
The mites love your bed , but with plastic between you are sure to breath clean air instead to mites wastes!

Throw away your moquette-carpet. For people who are allergic, sensitive to the dust, animal hairs and mud the moquette has an absolut controindication. It is a perfect envirorment for them and the modern tissues, very dense, attract pollen and animals dandruff.

Buy the anti-allergic pillow. It is preerible use syntetic pillow because you can wash them and reduce the amount of mites.

I Hope this article can be useful...
It will contiune with second part,
For every request leave a comment I'll appreciate ! :)

Enjoy your life
Nurse Julia !

The doctors Book of Home Remedies; Prevention Magazine Health Books';1995


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